Monday, April 4, 2016

Confused with Fractions...Great!

We started with the question: 
What comes to your mind when you think of the word fraction, decimal, and percent?

Using their prior knowledge, students generated their ideas through words and pictures. 
  • "I've seen decimals and percents in the store." - Dong Jae
  • "I remember getting 100% on a test." - TJ
  • "I think fractions are sharing because I played a game on the computer one time called Fractions Pizza and I had to share the pizzas in the restaurant." - Minh Thu
Figure It Out
Students were engaged in a fractions, decimals, and percents provocation designed to create confusion. They were tasked to look for connections and similarities or differences between the three. 

During this learning process, students worked on their group decision making skills and had to justify why certain sorts should go together. 

Reflect and Connect
Students reflected on the patterns they noticed between the three and were asked to make connections to create their own understanding using the visible thinking routine: "I used to think, but now I know..."

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