Monday, August 22, 2016

Get Ready, Get Set, Go Create

Central Idea: We all have a story to tell and can choose how to share it.

What happens when you give second graders the following provocation:
  • 5 minutes to think of:
    • A favorite moment or important event that has happened in their life
    • A memory you’ll never forget 
    • A story that had strong feelings and emotions
  • 5 minutes to think of how you will choose to tell it
  • 20 minutes to create a story
  • 5 minutes to reflect

You get...

Students Engaged in the Creative Process
Here students are preparing their stories:

Students then shared their stories with each other. We filmed each story so that students could reflect on the process and review it later. 

Students reflected on their own stories.

The next day students rotated through and viewed each other's videos. They gave feedback on one thing they liked and one thing that they thought needed improving. 

We then looked at each others reflections before we discussed the next steps that needed to be taken when we share our next story.